Additional Resources for Training and Competitions
What to Bring to a Track Meet As coaches we see time and time again athletes who are not prepared for a full day of competitions. This can limit your performance and your recovery. Use the guide below you help assist you when packing your track bag the night before a meet.
Find a good sized bag that's easy to carry and can be found in a crowd.
Try to use the same bag every meet so you get used to packing it and finding it in our team tent at the end of a meet.
Pack more clothing than you think you need.
Check the weather forecast and pack for the weather! Reminder most of our meets are in areas with big winds. Even if the sun is out you will feel the chill from the constant wind.
Make sure to pack your CHCI singlet - this is your uniform if you do not have this you cannot compete.
You need layers for warm up and cool down after your event. You need comfortable clothes for hanging around the team tent and cheering on your peers. You should ALWAYS pack a rain coat, pants and umbrella, mitts or gloves are also usually an envy of many at an early season meet.
Bring EXTRA socks. They always go missing or can easily be forgotten when restocking your bag.
Pack a hat, at the very least a baseball hat but the bigger the better in terms of sun protection. The more energy the sun zaps from your body the less energy you will have to compete.
Protect those spikes.
Make sure you put your spikes in your bag as well as other comfortable footwear for before and after your events.
Snacks, snacks, snacks and water!
Depending which facility we are at your food and drink options can be VERY limited. Always pack a lunch and plenty of healthy snacks to keep your energy level up throughout the day. Also bring a couple of FULL water bottles (JHSS doesn't NOT have a water fountain to refill at).
Sun protection.
In addition to the hat (as explained above), make sure to pack your own bottle of sun screen. The higher the SPF the better. There are no trees at track meets.
Random items to make you comfortable or get in the zone.
Headphones, ipod, cellphone, books, playing name it! But remember, whatever you bring to a meet is your responsibility, so keep it safe. During events you will leave your bag in our team tent. If there is anything valuable you don't feel comfortable leaving unattended while you complete, leave it at home.
Helpful Web Resouces
WCSSAA - Waterloo County Secondary School Athletics Association OFSAA - Ontarion Federation of School Athletic Associations Athletics Canada - Track and Field Federation Trackie - Canadian Track and Field, X-Country and Road Racing CBC Sports - Track and Field